

Saturday, 10th September 2022 at 6 pm – Big Stage, Serbian National Theatre
August Strindberg; Directed by Mateja Koležnik
Burgtheater, Vienna (Austria)

Gospođica Julija AUTOR FOTKE Susanne Hassler-Smith


Sunday, 11th September 2022 at 8 pm – Big Stage, Serbian National Theatre
Georg Büchner; Directed by Attila Vidnyánszky Jr.
National Theatre, Budapest (Hungary)


Vojcek AUTOR FOTKE Eöri Szabó Zsolt


Monday, 12th September 2022 at 8 pm – Big Stage, Serbian National Theatre
Katarina Morano; Directed by Žiga Divjak
City Theatre of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (Slovenia)


Talog AUTOR FOTKE Peter Giodani

„KAFKA Мachine“

Tuesday, 13th September 2022 at 8 pm – Small Stage, Serbian National Theatre
Franz Kafka; Directed by: Veljko Mićunović
Serbian National Theatre, Novi Sad (Serbia)

Kafka Machine AUTOR FOTKE Srđan Doroški


The members of the Jury are:

1. Nikolina Djukanović – a dramatist
2. Sonja Petrović – a theatre director
3. Ozren Grabarić – an actor


Nikolina Djukanović – a dramatist

Nikolina Djukanović graduated in Comparative Literature from the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. During her studies, she acted as a moderator at the Prosefest and Brankovo ​​kolo festivals, where she had the opportunity to collaborate with the most famous contemporary writers and poets. After graduating, she enrolled in the Comparative Literature Master’s Degree programme at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad and Dramaturgy Master’s Degree programme, in class of Professor Uglješa Šajtinac, at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. In the academic year 2013/2014, she started her PhD in Language and Literature, going on to give practical training for the course Traditional Rhetoric the following year. During the summer of 2013, she participated in the European project – Experimental Theater Academy in Ptuj (Slovenia), mentored by the prominent theatre director Ivica Buljan. Radio Television of Vojvodina has recorded and broadcast her radio-drama Find a Job or Deep Vein Thrombosis. She has written several stories and miniatures for their drama programme. Nikolina Djukanović has also worked as a critic at the Sterijino pozorje festival. She defended her Master’s Degree thesis at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad with the original dramatic text The Man Who Ate Death, which was staged at the theatre in Prijedor in 2015. Since 2015, she has been employed at the Serbian National Theatre.


Director Sonja Petrović

Sonja Petrović is a director of a complex theatre composite, whose plays, such as “Who Killed Janis Joplin?”, “A Little Match Girl,” “At the Eternal Faucet”, bring the audiences back to the theatre.

A native of Bačka Palanka, Sonja Petrović graduated from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad – majoring in Multimedia Directing in class of Professor Aleksandar Davić. She earned her Master’s Degree from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade in class of Egon Savin. Today, she is the manager of the Ecological Theatre Festival for Children and Youth in Bačka Palanka. She has directed, among other things, the opening ceremony of the Youth Capital of Europe Novi Sad 2019 and the opening ceremony of the music festival Exit “Freedom” 2018.

Sonja Petrović is an eloquent person whose opinion is valued off the stage as well. In her interviews, she often talks about the importance of dialogue, as well as of learning to live in the present, not in the past, as we in the Balkans often do. Sonja Petrović says that she dreams of a theatre that is part of a collective act, a space of conflict, exchange of views and opinions, about a theatre that is constantly in a slight clinch and that inspires debate and reflection. She dreams of a theatre where actors feel comfortable and consciously stand behind it, of a theatre whose processes are healthy, pleasant and productive. She dreams of a courageous theatre, one that doesn’t play it safe, but explores; one that is ready to take risks, even at the cost of a big failure.


Actor Ozren Grabarić

Ozren Grabarić is a rare thespian bird. An actor of self-effacing stage genius, effervescent curiosity, precise lucidity, always different and unrepeatable – supple and unrestrained at the same time.
Born on 17 July 1980 in Zagreb, Ozren Grabarić completed his secondary education in Barcelona, and graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb, where he is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Stage Speech. He is a member of the City Drama Theatre “Gavela”. He is fluent in Spanish, Catalan and English.
He has worked with a number of renowned theatre directors in the region, among others, with Paolo Magelli, Slobodan Unkovski, Aleksandar Popovski, Edward Miller, Tomaž Pandura, Mateja Koležnik, Staša Zurovac, Rene Medvešek…
His memorable performances include: “Peer Gynt,” “Richard the Third,” “Tartuffe.” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,”, “Messrs. Glembay,” “Crime and Punishment,” “Three Sisters”… The highlight of his work so far is the ingenious role in the play “Hinkmann” directed by Igor Vuk Torbica in the Zagreb Youth Theatre.

Grabarić is well-known to both cinema and TV audiences. He has given excellent performances in the film “Vegetarian Cannibal’ and the series “Bums and Princesses.” Commenting on our time in one of the recent interviews, he said: “The key things for the development of a society are education and culture. Those are the two most important levers for a society that do not bring profit overnight. But, by investing in them, in terms of a systematic rethinking of education and culture, in 20 years’ time, we would have a society that would be galloping in the economic sense as well.”