35th / 14th International Festival of Alternative and New Theatre
35 / 14. интернационални фестивал алтернативног и новог театра

Novi Sad, 25th June - 3rd July 2008

Tue, 1st July
performance art
| 19:00, Katolička porta

Authors and performers: Boris Kadin (Croatia) and Kristian Al-Droubi (Serbia)


‘Rhythm 20’ is a performance which addresses the topic of posttraumatic (war) syndrome of the two states, which waged war against each other in the recent past: Croatia and Serbia.
The project ‘Rhythm 20’ is a kind of paraphrase on the performance by Marina Abramović ‘Rhythm 10’, importing the knife game from it. In her performance Marina Abramović dances alone, controlling her own body and consciousness, towards herself and for herself.
In the project ‘Rhythm 20’ the two performers carry out the same game, but they instead place emphasis on the consciousness of the other one, without a possibility to control his body and his consciousness. Therefore, from oneself and for the other. 
Exploring the relationship between power and the lack of power, the project speaks about the knify history of the two neighbouring peoples whose language puts them into the same group of Southern Slavs.

Language, which otherwise serves as a communication bridge, here becomes a wall which the performance tears down.

The absurdity of war and violence is established and ironised through the fields of politics and sports. These two fields are understood through a further generation of violence and violent behaviour: hatred, violence, stupidity. ‘Rhythm 20’ records and alarms about the presence of this phenomenon.
Through the text spoken by the performers, they describe who they are, where they were in the time of war and what, in their opinion, are the elements that bind the Croats and Serbs together, how they came to artist Marina Abramović and why they are playing this knife game. The performance ‘Rhythm 20’ premiered at the 7th Days of Croatian Performance Art in Varaždin, in the square in front of the City Hall.

Total design: L. Antal; web design: T. Dukic. Copyright © INFANT 2002-2008