српски / english

Kyle Jenkins, USA

I would like to thank you again for everything you did for me during the festival and during my stay in Novi Sad. Everyone who helped set up the workshop, the exhibitions, and the projections did a fantastic job. Vlada did a great job making sure that I had no technical issues with the projections, and the projection space was far beyond anything I expected. Everyone made me feel welcome in Novi Sad, and the hotel and transportation accommodations are greatly appreciated. I also enjoyed all of the performances that I got to see, as this is something I don't get to experience in Phoenix. The entire festival was a great experience for me and I regret having to leave before the end. I'm going to keep in touch with the students from the workshop and other people I met during the festival. Next time I visit Novi Sad I will be much more prepared with my Serbian. Hopefully in the future I will have something more to offer Infant in some sort of similar collaboration.

Thanks again for everything!
Kyle Jenkins

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