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Via Negativa, Slovenia/Serbia

| Мonday, 27th June 2011 | 17.00 / The Youth Theatre, Small Stage |

Questions based on the text by Bojana Kunst, Ph.D. (Powerlessness of Radical Consumption, 2009), adapted by Bojan Jablanovec
Answers: Kristian Al Droubi and Bojan Jablanovec
Performers: Kristian Al Droubi and his guest
Concept and direction: Bojan Jablanovec
Producer: Špela Trošt
Production: Via Negativa, 2009, with the support by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana
Duration: 50 minutes

Interview performance by Kristian Al Droubi
Questions about political powerlessness of radical art practices, about confession as a media spectacle, about the imperative of pleasure in contemporary post-industrial society, about the impotence of communication, about the impossibility of subjectivisation, etc. Questions based on the text by Bojana Kunst, Ph.D., drill deep into the problem core which Via Negativa has always been concerned with.
Conversation with Kristian in the form of a classic interview is usually led by an invited interrogator from a local area, where the performance is held. With questions about his powerlessness in contemporary post-industrial society Kristian deals as a performer – he argues for his believes not only with his words but also with his whole body.
Via Negativa
Via Negativa is an international performing arts project. Our work is focused on the relationship between the performer and the audience in real space and time. We deal with this relationship as a complex flow of points of view, expectations, judgments, conclusions, recognitions, stereotypes, fallacies, prejudices, tolerance or intolerance, knowledge or lack thereof; all these trigger various emotional, rational or irrational responses. No matter what the subject or the story of the performance is, we always search for the situation that triggers this relationship and gets it running. We are interested in live art that exist because of questions and not because of answers. Our performing strategies are therefore more and more diverse: theatre, lecture, dance, video, radical body practices, gallery projects … We feel we are most real when we touch upon something that can no longer be rationalised, when we no longer have to pretend to understand something we do not. We work as a collective in which each individual fights with his reasons, his body and courage, his imagination and mind, his skills and energy for his own sense and position on stage.