Blue Theatre, Belgrade, Serbia

Performers: Ranko Trifković, Dejan Stojković, Maša Jelić, Jelena Martinović, Marko Potkonjak
Scenario and directing: Nenad Čolić
Set and costume design: Ivana Čolić
Executive manager: Dubravka Vujinović
Text: Franz Kafka: “Letter to Father”
Music: The Rolling Stones, Ludwig van Beethoven, Klezmatics, Son Cubano
Production: Blue Theatre (Plavo pozorište)

The show lasts 60 minutes.

One of the letters Franz Kafka wrote was addressed to his father. He never sent this letter. Whether his father ever read it or not is unknown. But millions of readers around the world have read it, millions of fathers, millions of mothers, millions of sons and daughters. Perhaps the letter was actually intended for them. It is a well-known fact that Kafka retyped the letter on a typewriter by the end of his life, and this was something he only did with the material he meant to publish. Kafka wrote many letters. His entire life is one continuous correspondence. However, the Letter to Father is different. The Letter to Father unlocks all the doors. Franz Kafka explains in it why his father bore part of the guilt for their estranged relationship.There are still many people today who wonder – where does this trying and lonely existence start and what does this brilliant mind talk about when in his writings, diaries, stories and novels he writes about the world surrounding him that he fails to understand? And there, in the Letter to His Father, one can find the most explicit answers to these questions. Addressing his father, at one point Kafka says: My writings were about you. Midway through this same letter one will stumble upon a detail that might seem unimportant. Kafka in fact did not like to dance. In the letter he wrote that in his childhood only dancing caused more boredom than the custom of going to the temple. Perhaps it is possible to connect this attitude with the personality of Franz Kafka, but perhaps it was all too late even then, in his childhood. The will was already broken.”
Nenad Čolić

We all have wings, but they have not been of any avail to us and if we could tear them off, we would do so.
Franc Kafka


Blue Theatre was founded in December of 1995 in Belgrade. We make theatre with the idea to change ourselves. Blue Theatre is a theatre laboratory which ideology is based on principles established by reformers of XX century theatre - Constantin Stanislavsky, Antonin Artaud, Jerzy Grotowski, Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret, as well as Italian director Massimo Giannetti.
Blue theatre is not a modern theatre, the group of people who, cherishing a seed of anarchism in ourselves, use theatre as the place which has credibility and where some serious things about the world that surrounds us could be said.
As a part of its regular activities, Blue theatre maintains education of young theatre creators through workshops and seminaries.