
Ljubomir Đurković: CASSANDRA

International co-production

Directed by: Slobodan Milatović
Production: Damir Domitrović Kos
Dramaturgy: Zagorka Pop-Antoska Andovska
Costumes: Blagoja Micevski
Music: Šukrija-Žuti Serhatlić
Video: Nemanja Petronje

C a s t:
HIPPOLYTA: Senka Bulić
OEDIPA: Tihana Ćulafić
NARCISSA: Jovana Stipić
LJUBO ĐURKOVIĆ: Ljubomir Đurković
SLOBODAN MILATOVIĆ: Slobodan Milatović
DAMIR DOMITROVIĆ KOS: Damir Domitrović Kos
Šukrija-Žuti Serhatlić

International co-production:
The EX PONTO Festival, Cultural Society B-51, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The TEUTA Festival, Cultural Centre ‘Nikola Đurković’, Kotor, Montenegro
The Serbian National Theatre and the INFANT Festival, Novi Sad, Serbia
The MOT Festival, the Youth Cultural Centre, Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM)


The international project ‘Cassandra’ links, as a kind of a zipper, elements of the contemporary dramatic, antique and documentary theatre. Therefore, it has not only four, but as many as seven dramatis personae. Besides Đurković’s dramatic figures, all of those who were present at the encounter with the fortune-teller appear on the stage – the real event of prediction which initiated this drama’s appearance in 2006. It is in this spirit that the director offers thesis and anti-thesis full of irony: Is there such a thing as clairvoyance? Is there anyone up there who moves the strings of our lives? What is love? What is destiny and what is its purpose? Why confess? Where does the need for confessing personal shocking and touching stories in the form of a show come from?

Oedipa, Narcissa and Hippolyta are persons chosen for the show of Cassandra’s life. Cassandra, just like Mephistopheles, draws to the surface what lies deeply hidden in their characters and lives. They all come to the stage thinking that they are ready for something like that, while, they actually have no idea what kind of journey is ahead of them, what they will go through and how their intimate hell will end up. The spectators are in the same shoes, as they are deeply touched by the questions raised by the play.