T H U R S D A Y,  June 27th - NS INFANT
23:00..Youth Theatre Big Hall

BROD Theatre:.The BED / associations.(Novi Sad, YU)

playwright, director & music selection: Ratko Radivojevic

p i e c e s   b y
N o v i  S a d  c o n t e m p o r a r y  c o m p o s e r s:
Stevan Kovacs Tickmayer: Lost in translation, There must be something*, Chimera*, Lab notes*, Napoleon*, Engineering*
Nineta Avramovic: Dance in the water*, On Earth, Forbidden love
Boris Kovac: Profana liturgija (Autumn room : delighted)*
Milos Jelic: Preludium, Basso ostinato, El espanol en los Balcanes
Nemanja Radivojevic: Titelska basta
Treci cin: Novi vek
* fragments
assistant choreographer:.Andrea Gjuzelev Stefanov
costumes:.Romana Knezevic

cast:.Andrea Gjuzelev Stefanov, Neda Miljkovic, Nada Kovacevic, Dijana Gvozdenovic, Lena Cvetkovic, Rada Nikolic (voice), Boris Brankovic, Sasa Krga, Milan Jovanovic, Djordje Kojcin, Miljan Vukovic, Marko Suharevski

stage manager:.Ivana Todorovic
light design:.Dusko Milicic

The BED was born as a game of associations on this subject, only to gradually become less of a game and  to be transformed into the discovery of the truth about oneself. Each person carries within himself a story, one single story. Where to start from, the beginning, the middle or the end, doesn't matter. It is here, if finished, to be started, if started, to be finished, to be rounded up, if incomplete. It is always simply a story about the storyteller, regardless of its theme, characters, time, place, style … So, this show is a story about those that weaved it. The instruction to the audience is to look for their own story while they watch. To watch their uneasy sleep, their own unfulfilled desire, their nightmare, their morning exercises and their curious neightbour, the mosquito which buzzes around their tired heads, their panic before the new day, and in the end, a bit of common history, our own Balkan history with wounded and fools, which has been repeating itself for who knows how long, while we are seen by the rest of the world as a travelling discomfort, over which, here and there, they trip and continue… Without us? 
BROD Theatre Troupe was founded by actor and director Ratko Radivojevic in 1990. This troupe works as a part of non-governmental organisation “Brod Intercultural Centre” since March 2000. Since its beginnings BROD Theatre produced several shows for children and adults.
BROD Theatre is informal group of theatre professionals without permanent engagements and permanent source of incomes. Brod (the ship) sails from one show to another, from one theatre stage to another, from one sponsor to another, re-examining its own abilities and abilities of theatre.

TEATAR BROD......http://www.brod.org.yu/

Bed - Dream. They say dreams are black and white, not connected, sometimes unclear and foggy, sometimes like reality, expressive. Radivojevic's play is oniric, picture-like and cultivated, timeless, therefore black and white, fragments of scene dramaturgy, in the idiom of movement which mainly unfolds separately in front of the strong music background by contemporary Novi Sad composers (Stevan Kovac Tikmajer, Boris Kovac, Nineta Avramovic, Miloš Jelic i Nemanja Radivojevic), accompanied by the repetitive, rhythmic and precisely significant invective of the strangely unreal voice of Rada Nikolic and her song which seems to come from another galaxy.

Here we are talking about a series of scene images of a (girl's) uneasy dream, filled with nightmares caused by the equally uneasy and nightmarish dailyness full of the "sound and the fury", but also the trivial bits which "mean life", such as the boring whine of a mosquito, an alarm clock ringing while our eyelids are still heavy and our bed so deliciously warm, a neighbor poking his nose over "someone else's fence", the morning shower and stretching, the fatigue of a monotonous life, not enough sex and even less love…

At the beginning it is a game of foetuses, their birth/freeing, getting to know oneself and the world around, separating individual from collective, love (humorous witty ballet of a love scene), ecstatic, charged with erotica, figurae veneris, going away/alienation, death…birth, vicious circle)
The movement in this play is somehow elementary, seemigly unstylised, spontaneous, the young performers/dancers are at the same time the dramatis personae, a kind of living scenography, and even stage props. Radivojevic's idea has been executed precisely and successefully by young performers.
..Darinka Nikolic, DNEVNIK, Novi Sad

(...) Coming somewhere between the oneiric and human, destiny and irony, style and improvisation, theatrical and performance – together with a perfect choice of music, excellent lighting and a precisely set paraphrase of all known Art – the play happily gathers its wholeness...

... if we follow our experience as a spectator we can place this play exactly: where it has force but where mind clearly lies behind it, however without dominating the sheer energy of the performance...
..Vladimir Kopicl

Cultural Centre of Novi Sad