Teatr Novogo Fronta
(Czech Republic/Russia)
Saturday, 2nd July 2005
Danube Park, the Handball Playground, 22:00

Author: Teatr Novogo Fronta
Performers: Aleš Janák, Irina Andreeva, Yury Gertsman
Sound: Radek Pytelka.
Light: Roman Douda
Production Manager: Michaela Holbíková
The origin of Teatr Novogo Fronta lies in St. Petersburg, Russia, where this theatre company was established in 1993. Their early work resulted from experiments in the field of the relationship between the actor's body - the only material being used by the actor - and the space of the event. The first performance Vremja Durak (The Time The Stupid, 1994) was presented on their first European tour and its theme was the fear of what the future in Russia might hold. After the tour, Teatr Novogo Fronta settled in Prague, Czech Republic. In a variety of plays and performances, such as Glazami Volka (Thru The Eyes Of A Wolf, 1995), Fabrika liudi (Human Factory, 1996) and Svincovij Tuman (Leaden Fog, 1997) Who Is Looking Here (1999), The Primary Symptoms of Name Loss (1999), Vagabond Adam Kadmon (2000), Petrouchka (2002), Dias de Las Noches (2003), Phantomysteria (2004) and Hamlet or Not to Be (2005). The company has included other members or guests from the Czech Republic, Japan, Russia, Canada, Italy, Slovakia, Germany, France, Sardinia, Togo and Poland.

Teatr Novogo Fronta's creativity and stage presentation is impressive both in its scale and variety, ranging from street theatre and improvized sets to exacting and directed plays on classical theatre stages. Theatre critics describe their work as bitter dance grotesque, divided dance, or compared their movement act to butoh. Since its inception, Teatr Novogo Fronta has performed dozens of performances all over the Czech Republic, in Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia and England, joined festivals in Scotland, Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia, Latvia and Denmark and during the last European tours performed in Holland, Belgium, France, Finland, Russia, Italy, Austria and Germany.
Phantomysteria are allegories of an apocalyptic catastrophe coming as a consequence of discovering a way to fulfill everyone’s wishes. The world was destroyed because of this find and everything has changed. New laws and rules are in force. Those who survived have lost their memory, and paradoxically, on a destroyed planet live as at the beginning of times in paradise.

But because humans are only human, the history is repeating…

Instead of the harmonious age of Aquarius, we are witnessing more undeclared wars. Within the framework of the War on Terror, the only superpower in the world is assuming the right to make preemptive strikes against whomever it chooses. The gulf between the thin layer of the rich and the masses of the poor is widening. And those who can’t take it would rather immolate themselves.
Alex Švamberk, Next Wave

Kulturni centar Novog Sada / Cultural Center of Novi Sad; 1997-2005    
Katolička porta 5, 21000 Novi Sad, Srbija i Crna Gora / Serbia and Montenegro    
Tel. +381 (0) 21 47 23 149 ; Fax. + 381 (0) 21 525 168    
E-mail: [email protected];